#!/bin/bash net_name="" node_name="" is_client="" mk_dir(){ while [ -z ${net_name} ] do read -p "Enter the network name:" net_name net_name=$net_namesed's/ //g' done mkdir $net_name cd$net_name mkdir 'hosts' } tinc_conf(){ read -p "Enter Interface Name:" interface read -p "Enter local node name:" node_name conf_str="Interface = ${interface} \nName = ${node_name}" read -p "Is client node?(y/n):" is_client if [ "$is_client" == "y" ] then read -p "Enter server node name:" server_name conf_str=$conf_str"\nConnectTo = ${server_name}" fi echo -e $conf_str > 'tinc.conf' } net_conf(){ if [ "$is_client" == "y" ] then read -p "Enter public IP address(can be empty):" pub_ip else while [ -z ${pub_ip} ] do read -p "Enter public IP address:" pub_ip pub_ip=$pub_ipsed's/ //g' done fi read -p "Enter local node ip:" local_ip net_str="Subnet = ${local_ip}/32" pub_ip=$pub_ipsed's/ //g' if [ -n "$pub_ip" ] then net_str=$net_str"\nAddress = $pub_ip" fi cd hosts echo -e $net_str > $node_name cd .. os=`uname` if [ `uname` = "Linux" ] then echo -e "#!/bin/bash\n"'ifconfig $INTERFACE '"${local_ip} netmask" > 'tinc-up' echo -e "#!/bin/bash\n"'ifconfig $INTERFACE down' > 'tinc-down' chmod +x tinc-* tincd -n $net_name -K else ./tincd -n $net_name -K fi } mk_dir tinc_conf net_conf
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## 输入网络名 Enter the network name:cloud ## 输入网口名 Enter Interface Name:vpn ## 输入本地节点名 Enter local node name:pc ## 是否为客户端节点 Is client node?(y/n):y ## 输入服务端节点名(上步填n则无此项) Enter server node name:tencent ## 输入公网IP(为y时此项必填,n可以直接回车) Enter public IP address(can be empty): ## 输入本节点的IP Enter local node ip: